How To Send Users From Referral Factory To Slack Via Zapier

This step-by-step guide explains how to send user data from the referral lead into your Slack channel so that the right team can follow up with the lead.

To integrate with Zapier, you will need:

Screenshot showing you can your referral program software user send t0 your CRM.

Once you have that setup, you can start by creating your zap.

Go to the Zapier Dashboard to start connecting your Referral Factory account with your Slack account. 

Under "Connect this app..." search for Referral Factory. 
Under "with this one!" search for Slack.

Screenshot showing How To Send Users From Referral Factory To Slack Via Zapier.

Under the "When this happens" dropdown, select the "New User" option and then select "Send Channel Message" as the action you wish the trigger to complete.

Screenshot showing How To Send Users From Referral Factory To Slack Via Zapier.

Click "Try it".
This will post a new user or referred lead information into the Slack channel that you select during your setup.

Screenshot showing how post a new Referral program software user or referred lead information into the Slack.

Connect your Referral Factory account to Slack. 
Click "Continue".

Screenshot showing how connect your Referral Factory account to Slack. 

Select the referral campaign you wish to connect. 

Click "Continue".

Screenshot showing how Select the referral campaign you wish to connect. 

Then, select which Slack account you want to connect.

Select which users would you like to send to Slack.

Click "Continue".

Screenshot showing how Select which users from your referral program software would you like to send to Slack.

Now, it's time to connect your Slack account.

Screenshot showing that time to connect your Slack account.

Select the Slack channel you want the data to be sent to. 
Then, click "Continue".

Screenshot showing how select the Slack channel you want the data to be sent to. 

Now you can create and customize the zap that will be sent to your selected Slack channel.

Select the fields that you want the zap to edit in Slack.

In the example below we chose to send through the First Name and Email Address of the new referred lead as well as the First Name and Email Address of the person who referred them.

Then, click "Continue". 

Screenshot showing how Select the fields that you want the zap to edit in Slack.


Now you can test your zap.

screenshot showing that you can  test your zap.

Check your selected Slack thread for the zap. 

Screenshot showing that you can Check your selected Slack thread for the zap. 

If you're happy with the zap, you can turn it on. 

Screenshot showing that you can publish the Zap for your referral program software.

If you want to edit the zap, you can select the zap in your Zapier account and make the desired changes.