Hiring A Campaign Manager To Build Your Referral Program

Want to launch a referral program but don’t have the time and resources to build it? You can hire an expert to build, launch, and promote it for you.

You’ve decided to launch a referral program. But how do you make sure it’s successful? 

That answer is simple...


Hire an expert to help you build, launch, and promote your referral program. You can read more about the exact services and prices our campaign managers offer here. 

At Referral Factory, we know that building a referral program, integrating it with your business, and promoting it to get more referrals takes time and resources. That’s exactly why we have cultivated a team of referral marketing experts to help you. Their main goal… to make sure your referral program is a success!

The article will show you 6 ways a dedicated account manager will improve the performance of your referral program 👇

  1. Get your referral campaign set up and generate referrals sooner
  2. Save you time and money by doing all the heavy lifting for you 
  3. Share their top tips on how to structure your campaign for success
  4. Advise on the best way to promote your campaign to get as many referrals as possible
  5. Give you priority support 
  6. Monitor your campaign performance and help you optimize it to get better results.

1. Get your referral campaign set up and start generating referrals sooner

Your dedicated account manager will build your referral program for you and help you integrate it with your internal processes and existing business tools. Meaning, you’ll be able to launch your referral campaign much faster so you can start getting referrals sooner. 

2.  Save you time and money by doing all the heavy lifting for you 

We all know that time is money. Your dedicated account manager will save you and your team a lot of time by helping you with the planning and execution of your referral program. Giving you more time to spend focusing on your other priorities and still generating referrals for your business.

3. Share their top tips on how to structure your campaign for success

Not only will your dedicated account manager build your referral program for you but they are also referral marketing experts. They have experience building referral campaigns for hundreds of customers and have the data from over 3000+ campaigns running on our platform so they have a lot of insight into what does and doesn’t work. The best part, they are happy to share their knowledge with you to help you structure your campaign to get more referrals. 

4. Advise you on the best way to promote your campaign to get as many people referring as possible

One of the main reasons referral program fail is that people don’t promote them. The more people that know about your referral program, the more referrals you will get. Your dedicated account manager will help you use our features to promote your campaign and  #spreadtheword about your business to customers or fans.

5. Get priority support 

Whether you need technical support or have a simple question, your account manager is available to help you as soon as possible. This allows you to get the support you need when you need it. You’ll have a single point of contact so that you only have to deal with ONE person who is familiar with your business and referral marketing goals.

6. Monitor your campaign performance and help you optimize it to get better results

To optimize your referral program, you first need to analyze its performance. Your dedicated account manager will look at the performance of your campaign and make data-driven suggestions on what you can do to optimize the campaign to get more referrals.

If you want your referral program to be a success please feel free to get in touch with our team and they will arrange a call for you and your account manager.