How Can I Delete A Campaign?

With our referral program software you can delete existing campaigns that you no longer want to work with.

In some cases, you may have created a test campaign to help you get a feel for the flow of your referral program. You may have even been testing an integration and want to delete the campaign to clean up your campaigns tab. This article will show you how you can delete a campaign from inside your referral software account and, what happens when you do delete a campaign. 

Table Of Contents

1. How to delete your campaign

2. What happens when you delete your campaign

1. How to delete your referral campaign

You can only delete a campaign if it is either paused or in draft mode – meaning live campaigns can’t be deleted. You would first need to pause the live campaign by toggling it from live to draft.

  1. Click on the Campaign tab in your account.
  2. Search for the campaign you wish to delete.
  3. Click on the Delete button in the Actions column.
  4. A pop-up will open asking if you are sure you wish to delete the item – Type the word DELETE to confirm.

Screenshot showing delete a referral program software campaign?

Screenshot showing delete a referral program software campaign?

2. What happens when you delete your referral campaign

When you delete your campaign it will be greyed out inside your dashboard and the link to the campaign will no longer be accessible.

You will still be able to view the users from that campaign inside your users tab and you will still be able to export those users if you wanted. to.

Screenshot showing that your referral program software campaign already deleted.

Referral Factory was voted the #1 referral program software to use in 2023, by Influencer Marketing Hub. Marketers across the globe use Referral Factory to build, launch and run powerful referral programs at scale. If you want to get referrals and grow your business then you've come to the right place ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️