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Troubleshooting Your HubSpot Setup

Need a hand integrating your referral program with your HubSpot account? This article will help you troubleshoot any issue you may encounter during your setup.

Our certified HubSpot app allows you to sync your referral program and your HubSpot account. You will be able to send new referred leads to your HubSpot account,  and qualify those referrals once they convert by updating their status in HubSpot.

You can reduce your ‘behind-the-scenes admin of manually managing your referral program by identifying which of your new referred leads have qualified. The integration will also help you know which referrers you need to reward as a result.

When integrating your referral program with HubSpot, you may encounter different errors along the way. This article will help you troubleshoot any issue you may have.


Table Of Contents

  1. A contact is not being created in HubSpot
  2. A specific field is not being sent to HubSpot
  3. My referrals are not being qualified
  4. Running multiple campaigns 

1. Contacts are not being created in HubSpot


Make sure you have selected which user types you want to send to HubSpot. We recommend sending the "referred users" as these are the users who have been referred and are essentially new leads. 


Another possible reason is that you have not selected to send the 'First Name' or 'Email' address of a new referred user through to HubSpot. These are required fields and must be selected in order for the contact to be created in HubSpot.


2. A specific field is not being sent to HubSpot


If you add additional form fields to your referral campaign, make sure those form fields or properties have been created in HubSpot. For example, if you ask for a mobile number in your campaign, you can only send the mobile number through to HubSpot if that property exists in HubSpot. 

If you have created a property in HubSpot and it's not showing inside Referral Factory, kindly use the refresh button in the top right hand corner of your screen:



3. My referrals are not being qualified


A referral can be qualified by updating the status of the contact inside Hubspot to match the status you have selected during your HubSpot setup. If this is not working correctly, the most likely cause is that the status of the qualified referral specified in Referral Factory is not the same as the conversion status you are using in HubSpot. Check that the status you are using to mark a contact as converted n HubSpot matches the one you have entered in Referral Factory.


4. Running multiple campaigns


If you want to send referral links to your users to HubSpot, then each of your campaign must have its own "referral link". It means for each referral campaign, you need to create a second property inside HubSpot called "Referral Factory Link". 

Referral Link 1
Referral Link 2 

So if one user is inside multiple campaigns, then it can map out multiple links to that user inside HubSpot.  
