How To Automatically Qualify Referrals Using ServiceTitan

Automate your referral program with ServiceTitan and Referral Factory! Use your regular ServiceTitan workflows and pipelines to automatically qualify successful referrals, which, in turn, could trigger a reward to the person who referred them.

πŸ“Œ  Want to know what else you can do with Referral Factory and ServiceTitan? Read the overview.


Step 1 (Optional): Create Custom Fields in ServiceTitan

 β†’ Should you wish to store additional referral data related to your referred user, create the relevant custom fields inside ServiceTitan. You could, for example, create custom fields to house information like:

  • {Referrer First Name}: The name of the person who referred them
  • {Referrer Email Address}: The email address of the person who referred them
  • {Referral Campaign}: The name of your Referral Factory campaign (useful if you're running multiple campaigns)
  • {Referral Link}: The referral link automatically generated for the new user (useful if you will enrol newly referred leads into your referral program)


Step 2: Navigate to the Settings for the Person Invited in Referral Factory

β†’ Click Edit Campaign to enter the campaign builder. 

β†’ Navigate to the Integrations step in the bottom navigation bar. 

β†’ Scroll down until you see the option to configure settings for the Person Invited. 



Step 3: Set Your Qualification Rules

β†’ To automatically qualify the Person Invited when they convert in ServiceTitan, set the rules that will trigger the automatic qualification.


You have 2 options:

πŸ‘‰ Option 1: Qualify when a booking becomes a job

πŸ‘‰ Option 2: Qualify when a booking becomes a job AND reaches any job status


β†’  If you choose to qualify when booking becomes a job AND reaches any status, set what the job status will change to when you consider the referral as converted or successful. For example, β€œCompleted".


Step 4: Map Your Fields 

β†’ Map the fields from Referral Factory to your ServiceTitan fields using the dropdown select options. 

❗️ For this function to work, you must map the fields:

  • {First Name} in Referral Factory to {Name} in ServiceTitan
  • {Email} in Referral Factory to {Email} in ServiceTitan
  • {Referral Code} in Referral Factory to {External ID} in ServiceTitan
  • Any field in Referral Factory to {Summary} in ServiceTitan
  • Any field in Referral Factory to {Source} in ServiceTitan

Note that you can map {Summary} and {Source} as default fields as well. See the next step.

All other fields are optional. 


Step 5: Define Your Default Fields

β†’ Add a new field for {Is First Time Client}, which is required by ServiceTitan to make the booking. Select {Yes} or {No} from the dropdown menu. 

β†’ You also have the option to define any additional default fields for when the booking is created inside ServiceTitan. 


Step 6 (Optional): Attach Information About The Person Referring

β†’ You also have the option to attach information about the person who made the referral. Remember that you may need to create custom data fields inside ServiceTitan to house this data. 


β†’ Click Save or Next.


How To Test Whether Your Integration Is Working

Step 1: Sign Up As the Person Referring

β†’ Open your campaign link in a private window or incognito mode and sign up as the Person Referring. Please note that Referral Factory uses cookies, so if you have already visited your campaign link, you may see the incorrect step. 

β†’ Be sure to use an email address that does not already exist as a user in your referral campaign and, depending on your settings, does not already exist in ServiceTitan. We recommend using plus addressing to make sure that each email address is unique and easily searchable. For example,

testing-integrations-sign-up-as-person-referring-step-1 (1)

Step 2: Sign Up As the Person Invited

β†’ Next, open the referral link generated for the Person Referring and sign up as the Person Invited


β†’ Be sure to use an email address that does not already exist as a user in your referral campaign and, depending on your settings, does not already exist in ServiceTitan. We recommend using plus addressing to make sure that each email address is unique and easily searchable. For example,


Step 3: Check For New Users In Referral Factory

β†’ Navigate to the Users tab and check that both the Person Referring and the Person Invited have been created in Referral Factory.

how-to-test-your-integration-users-in-referral-factory (1)

Step 4: Check For New Bookings in ServiceTitan

β†’ Check that the Booking for the Person Invited is created in ServiceTitan with all the data you have chosen to map across. Note that it can take up to 30 minutes for the data to pass from Referral Factory to ServiceTitan. 


Step 5: Test Your Qualification Trigger

β†’ Convert your Booking to a Job and/or move the Job to a specific stage inside ServiceTitan as per the settings you configured.  

β†’ Return to Referral Factory to check the status of the contact you just converted in the Users tab. Note that it can take up to 30 minutes for the data to pass from ServiceTitan to Referral Factory.  
