How To Install A Referral Program Pop-Up On Your Website or Web App

Referral Factory has a rpop-up that you can install on your website or logged-in environment to make it even easier for you people to join your referral program and refer friends.

This will allow visitors to your website to click on the pop-up and immediately start referring!


In this guide 👇

1. How To Install The Pop-Up For Your Logged-Out Environment

2. How To Install The Pop-Up For Your Logged-In Environment

3. How To Install On-Scroll Or Timer-Triggered Pop-Ups

1. How To Install The Pop-Up For Your Logged-Out Environment
  • Select the campaign you want to use for the pop-up.
  • Inside your campaign builder, navigate to the “Promote Your Campaign” tab. 
  • Then select “Install our pop-up on your website for logged-out users” 

Screenshot showing that you can make pop up for your referral program software


  • Your script is unique to your campaign. So please get it from your campaign “Promote Your Campaign” tab. 

Screenshot showing that you can make pop up for your referral program software by coping the script.


  • Copy the pop-up class name and the code that you need to put on your website. 
  • Go to the source code for your website. 
  • Paste your pop-up's class name into the button you want to trigger your pop-up.
  • You also need to paste the script right before the </body> tag on the same page as the button. 


Below is an example of what the pop-up looks like once it's been clicked on or opened - this is for your LOGGED-OUT ENVIRONMENT. 

Screenshot showing will looks pop up for your referral program software


2. How To Install The Pop-Up For Your Logged-In Environment


If your users or customers have a portal that they can log into, you can also embed the pop-up inside that logged-in environment. This will allow your users to bypass step one of the campaign builder, and allow your users to refer in one click 👏


To set up the Referral Factory pop-up so that it works in a logged-in environment, please follow the instructions below. 


  • Select the campaign you want to use for the pop-up.
  • Inside your campaign builder, navigate to the “Promote Your Campaign” tab.        
  • Then select “Install our pop-up on your website for logged-in users”      

Screenshot showing that you can make pop up for your referral program software


  • Your script is unique to your campaign. So please get it from your campaign “Promote Your Campaign” tab. 

Screenshot showing that you can make pop up for your referral program software


  • Copy the pop-up class name and the code that you need to put on your website. 
  • Go to the source code for your website. 
  • Paste your pop-up's class name into the button you want to trigger your pop-up.
  • You also need to paste the script right before the </body> tag on the same page as the button. You will also need to replace loggedInUserFirstName and loggedInUserEmail with the variables you use in your own system.
  • Your pop-up will then work in a logged-in environment 🤘 


Below is an example of what the pop-up looks like once it's been clicked on or opened - this is for your LOGGED-IN ENVIRONMENT. 

Screenshot showing an example of what the pop-up looks like once it's been clicked on or opened for your referral program software.


3. How To Install On-Scroll Or Timer-Triggered Pop-Ups

If you want to create pop-ups customized to your needs, such as on-scroll and timer-triggered pop-ups, then use this guide and the resources below. 


Make sure you have access to a developer (Javascript).


To Install and customize your pop-up based on scroll and timer triggers 👇

  • Select the campaign you want to use for the pop-up.
  • Go to the Promote Your Campaign” tab and click on the pop-up icon.
  • Then select which type of user you build the pop-up for (Logged in Or Logged out)
  • Copy the pop-up class name and the code that you need to put on your website. 
  • Go to the source code for your website and add an invisible button on the page you want to show the pop-up. 
  • Paste your pop-up's class name into the invisible button.
  • You also need to paste the script right before the </body> tag on the same page as the invisible button. 
  • If you’re using the code for logged-in users - don’t forget that you also need to replace loggedInUserFirstName  and loggedInUserEmail with the variables you use in your own system
  • From there you can use the source code below to trigger the pop-up either on a scroll or on a timer.



💡 Want to add a layer of security to your referral pop-up? Learn about our security features for embedding here


💡 Read more about other promotional options that Referral Factory offers in this help guide or consult this article on how to get more referrals


💡 If you need any help installing the pop-up on your website or logged-in environment, please reach out to our friendly customer support team here