If your referral program is open to anyone to join, Referral Factory can create a Salesforce contact when someone registers for a referral link. That way, you can save your new users' details and their referral metrics straight to your CRM.
Step 1: Connect your Salesforce account with Referral Factory
To connect your Salesforce account with Referral Factory make sure you are logged in to both accounts and that you have the correct permissions on both Salesforce and Referral Factory.
→ Go to the Setting Tab on the left-hand navigation bar.
→ Click on the Integration and Pixels tab.
→ Connect Salesforce and follow the prompts to authorize.
Step 2: Configure Your Salesforce Integration
→ Click Edit Campaign to enter the campaign builder.
→ Navigate to the Integrations step in the top navigation bar.
→ Select the option for “Person Referring”.
→ From the drop-down list, configure what you want Referral Factory to do when you get a new direct user signing up to become a referrer.
Either select “Create new Lead in Salesforce” OR “Create a new Contact in Salesforce”.
If you choose “Do Nothing” our system will not do anything inside Salesforce.
Step 3: Map Your Fields
Creating a new Lead or a new Contact in Salesforce:
Should you wish to store data such as the Person Referring's referral link, referral count, converted referral count and/or the name of the campaign, first create these fields inside Salesforce.
When you select an option then Referral Factory will create a new lead or a new contact inside Salesforce whenever you get a new direct user. To set this up you need to:
→ Map the data fields from Referral Factory to your contact custom fields in Salesforce
→ Once you have mapped all your fields, click Next.
❗️ For this function to work, you must map the following fields:
{Last Name} and {Company} as form fields in your Pages for the Person Referring.
If you do not want to ask your users to fill in these details, we recommend mapping a default field, like {Source} or {Campaign Name}.
Below is an example of the types of fields you can map from Referral Factory to Salesforce
You can choose to map Dynamic Data or Fixed Data
Dynamic Data changes based on what users enter, like their First Name, Email, or Phone Number.
Fixed Data stays the same for everyone, like Lead Source or Lifecycle Stage.
Think of dynamic data as personalized info and fixed data as standard info.
You can map as many fields as you like but in some cases, you may need to create additional custom fields inside Salesforce so that we can store the data in that particular field. For Example:
{Referral Campaign}: The name of your Referral Factory campaign (useful if you're running multiple campaigns)
{Referral Link}: The referral link automatically generated for the new user (useful if you will enroll referred leads into your referral program)
💡 If you recently created custom fields in Salesforce and they are not showing as an available option for selection in Referral Factory, try clicking the Hard Refresh icon at the bottom of the drop-down you are trying to map to.
Step 4: Choose How To Handle Duplicates
→ Choose whether Referral Factory should update existing contacts. Please note that choosing to update existing contacts could override data inside Salesforce.
→ Click Save or Next.
Step 5: Test Whether Your Integration Is Working
Step 1: Sign Up As The Person Referring
→ Open your campaign link in a private window or incognito mode and sign up as the Person Referring. Please note that Referral Factory uses cookies, so if you have already visited your campaign link, you may see the incorrect step.
→ Be sure to use an email address that does not already exist as a user in your referral campaign and, depending on your settings, does not already exist in Salesforce. We recommend using plus addressing to make sure that each email address is unique and easily searchable. For example, [email protected].
Step 2: Check For New Users in Referral Factory
→ Check that the Person Referring is created in the Users tab inside Referral Factory.
Step 3: Check For New Leads/Contacts in Salesforce
→ Check that the Lead/ Contact for the Person Referring is created in Salesforce with all the data you have chosen to map across. Note that it can take up to 30 minutes for the data to pass from Referral Factory to Salesforce.