What Email Notifications Are Available?

In this help guide, we’re going to show you what email notifications are available in Referral Factory.

As soon as you have set up and designed your referral program, you will need to edit the content of your email notifications. Referral Factory offers 7 different types of email notifications for both the person referring and the person invited. In this guide we will cover:

1. How To Set Up Email Notifications

2. Email Notifications For The Person Referring

3. Email Notifications For The Person Invited

4. How To Customize Email Notifications

5. How To Switch Off These Email Notifications

1. How To Set Up Email Notifications For Your Campaign? 

To access all your emails, and edit them individually, go to the “Email Notifications'' step in your campaign builder. 

Click on the yellow "Select Emails" button to see the list of all email notifications available. Click on the email you want to edit to get started. 👇

referral_program_software_email notifications available

Note* To comply with email marketing rules, all email notifications and announcements sent via Referral Factory include an unsubscribe link. 


2. Email Notifications For The Person Referring

  • For The Person Referring (When They Join Your Campaign) - These email notifications will go out to the person referring when they enter their details on Step 1 for the person referring to join your referral program. This email notification will trigger automatically (if enabled) when a person referring uses the campaign join link to join your campaign as a referrer.

Pro Tip: In this email, you can welcome the referrer to your referral program and provide more information about how your referral program will work. It is also a great place to remind them about the rewards they can earn and the incentives the person invited will also get (if you are running a double-sided referral campaign). You should also encourage the person to use their unique referral links to invite friends.

referral_program_software_email - person referring when they join your campaign


  • For The Person Referring (When The Person They Invited Joins Your Campaign) - These email notifications go to the person referring once the person they invited joins the campaign. This email notification will trigger automatically (if enabled) when a person invited fills out the form and submits their details on Step 1 for the person invited.

Pro Tip: In this email you can tell the person referring that someone they referred to your business has signed up or contacted you using their referral link and let them know what will happen if their referral is successful. You can also add a simple thank you copy to this email to let them know you appreciate the referral.

referral_program_software_email - person referring when the person they invited joins your campaign


  • For The Person Referring (When The Person They Invited Converts) - These email notifications go to the person referring, every time one of their invited persons converts. This email notification will trigger automatically (if enabled) when a person invited converts and has been qualified inside Referral Factory. A conversion could be a sale, a contract signed, an account opened, etc.

Pro Tip: In this email you can congratulate the person referring on a successful referral and let them know when and how they will be receiving their reward. This is also an excellent place to encourage them to. make more referrals in order to earn more rewards. 

referral_program_software_email - person referring when the person they invited converts

  • For The Person Referring (Reminder) - These email notifications will go to the person referring at the interval that you have selected. This email notification will trigger automatically (if enabled) every X number of days you selected.
    For example: If you made the interval 28 days then the person referring will receive this email every 28 days

Pro Tip: You can log in to your account and edit this email every couple of weeks or so to switch things up and ensure the content of this email is not always the same.


3. Email Notifications For The Person Invited

  • For The Person Invited (When They Join Your Campaign) - These email notifications go to the person invited once join your referral program. This email notification will trigger automatically (if enabled) when a person invited submits their details on the form in Step 1 for the person invited.

Pro Tip: In this email you can thank the person invited or referred lead for submitting their details. You can also send them more information about your business and what the next steps are.

Note: IF you want to give a coupon to a new customer for them to get a discount on your product or platform, this email is the best place to insert that.

referral_program_software_email - person invited when they join your campaign


  • For The Person Invited (When They Convert) - These email notifications go to the person invited once they have converted, meaning they have performed the action that you consider successful. A conversion could be a sale, a contract signed, an account opened, etc. This email notification will trigger automatically (if enabled) when the person invited has been qualified inside Referral Factory.

Pro Tip: In his email you could encourage the person invited who has now qualified, to also participate in your referral program by sharing their unique referral link with friends. To do that, click on the "Share Buttons" icon on the right-hand panel and insert their referral link into this email. Learn more about How To Convert The Person Invited to A Person Referring After They Qualify (User Behavior)

referral_program_software_email - person invited when they convert(1)

  • For The Person Invited (Reminder) - These email notifications will go to the person invited at the interval that you have selected. This email notification will trigger automatically (if enabled) every X number of days you selected. 
    For example: If you made the interval 28 days then the person referring will receive this email every 28 days

Pro Tip: In this email you can remind the person invited to do the action that is intended. You can log in to your account and edit this email every couple of weeks or so to switch things up and ensure the content of this email is not always the same.

referral_program_software_email - person invited - reminder emails


4. How To Customize Email Notifications

You can edit the following elements of your email notifications

  • titles and body text
  • images, videos, and GIFs.
  • social share buttons and copy links 
  • changing  the subject 
  • buttons that link to different URLs
  • you can also highlight text and edit alignment, size and colour 

referral_program_software_email - customization


The styling for your user’s email notifications is pulled from the design of your main campaign. You cannot use different background images, colors, and fonts for each email as your campaign only has one design theme

Learn more about the design/theme of your campaign in this help guide

If you require a much higher level of customization, our Enterprise plan allows you to upload your own HTML emails so you can have 100% control over what these emails look like. 


5. How To Switch Off These Email Notifications

You also have the option to turn off these email notifications and simply send emails from your own CRM that follow your standard business processes. To do that, just deselect the email you don't want to use.

referral_program_software_email - switch off



Note*. If you find your emails go to spam please enable your own email server. We do everything we can to maintain a good domain rating, but it can vary because our system sends millions of notifications to different customers monthly. 

The best way to ensure your emails don't go to spam is to enable your own email server. Read this help guide on how to send email notifications using your own email server

Important! Also, make sure you add an outbound address to your referral campaign. 

When users join your referral program they will receive the email notifications that you have activated when setting up your campaign. The outbound email address is the email address you want these notifications to come from. 

Read this help guide to learn how you can add a 'From Email' address known as an outbound email address.