How To Send Direct Users (The Person Referring) to Monday When They Sign Up For A Referral Link

If your referral program is open to anyone to join, Referral Factory can create a Monday contact when someone registers for a referral link. That way, you can save your new users' details and their referral metrics straight to your CRM.

📌  Want to know what else you can do with Referral Factory and Monday? Read the overview.

Step 1 (Optional): Create Custom Columns in Monday

→ Should you wish to store data such as the Person Referring's referral link, referral count, converted referral count or the name of the campaign, first create the relevant columns inside Monday


Step 2: Configure How Data Should Be Sent in Referral Factory

→ Click Edit Campaign to enter the campaign builder. 

→ Navigate to the Integrations step in the bottom navigation bar. 

→ Scroll down until you see the option to configure settings for the Person Referring. 

→ Use the dropdown menu to select the board on Monday where you want to send your direct users (the Person Referring). 

Step 3: Map Your Data Fields

→ Map the data fields from Referral Factory to your Monday columns using the dropdown select options. If a recently created Monday column is unavailable for selection, click the refresh button. 

❗️ For this function to work, you must map the following fields: 

  • {Referrer First Name} in Referral Factory to the {Name} column in Monday
  • {Referrer Email} in Referral Factory to the {Email} column in Monday. 

Other fields are optional.

Step 4: Choose How To Handle Duplicates

→ Choose whether Referral Factory should update existing contacts in Monday. Please note that choosing to update existing contacts could override data inside Monday.

→ Click Save or Next.



How To Test Whether Your Integration Is Working

→ Open your campaign link in a private window or incognito mode and sign up as the Person Referring. Please note that Referral Factory uses cookies, so if you have already visited your campaign link, you may see the incorrect step. 

→ Be sure to use an email address that does not already exist as a user in your referral campaign and, depending on your settings, does not already exist in Monday. We recommend using plus addressing to make sure that each email address is unique and easily searchable. For example,

→ Check that the user is created in the Users tab inside Referral Factory. 

→ Check that the contact is created in Monday.


📌 Having trouble? Read the Monday Troubleshooting Guide.