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Rewards with Referral Factory and Stripe

Automatically reward your referral program participants using Stripe 🎁 With the option to issue credits or coupons, you can use this feature to incentivize your new leads with special offers or reward your existing customers for their referrals!

Are you looking for referral program software that works with Stripe

Get your referral program up and running, and integrated with Stripe, in just a few days πŸ‘‰ Try Referral Factory free for 15 days.

If you already have a Referral Factory account, then keep reading to learn how to use Stripe as a rewards partner πŸ‘‡

πŸ“Œ Did you know that we also offer a no-code integration with Stripe to track and qualify converted referrals? Learn more

In this guide πŸ‘‡

1. What You Can Do With Stripe Rewards 

1.1. Who Can You Reward?

1.2. What Events Can Trigger A Reward?

1.3. How Can Rewards Be Issued in Stripe?

2. How To Connect Stripe As A Rewards Partner

3. How To Add a Stripe Reward in Referral Factory 

3.1. How To Add a Standard Stripe Reward

3.2. How To Add a Milestone Stripe Reward

3.3. How To Add a Recurring Stripe Reward


πŸ“Œ Looking to learn more about rewarding in Referral Factory in general? Read our comprehensive rewards help guide here

1. What You Can Do With Stripe Rewards 


With Stripe and Referral Factory, you have the flexibility to reward and incentivize in a way that suits your needs. Before we dive into the step-by-step guide, here are some of the options that you will need to consider when creating your reward:

1.1. Who Can You Reward?

You can reward:

πŸ‘‰ The Person Referring (the person doing the referring, who shares their referral link) 

πŸ‘‰ The Person Invited (the person being referred, who signs up on the referral link they were sent)

πŸ‘‰ Both! Note that you will need to add multiple rewards, one for the Person Referring and another for the Person Invited. 

Click here to learn more about different types of users. 

1.2. What Events Can Trigger A Reward?


You can trigger a reward on:

πŸ‘‰ An invited referral (when the Person Invited fills in their details on their friend's referral link)

πŸ‘‰ A converted referral (when the Person Invited "qualifies") 

πŸ‘‰ Both! Note that you will need to add multiple rewards, one for each of the triggers.


In addition to these triggers, you have the option to set up:



πŸ‘‰ A Standard Reward (These are simple, once-off rewards based on rules you set) 

πŸ‘‰  A Milestone Reward (These allow you to change the value of a reward based on a goal or target number of referrals at various milestones.  One common use case of a milestone reward structure is enabling a tiered structure, offering larger incentives as participants rack up more referrals. Click here to learn more)

πŸ‘‰  A Recurring Reward (These rewards are issued at regular intervals that you set. These can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, or at a custom interval. Click here to learn more).


You can reward a fixed amount or a commission based on a deal or spend value that you set. To learn more about commission-based rewards, click here.  

1.3. How Can Rewards Be Issued in Stripe?

You can issue the reward as:

πŸ‘‰ A  Stripe Coupon (You set these up in Stripe with a discount percentage or value. You can learn more about coupons in Stripe's knowledge base). Please note that you cannot stack coupons in Stripe; i.e. you cannot apply the same coupon multiple times to a single subscription. 

πŸ‘‰ A Stripe Credit (This will apply a negative balance to a customer's account on Stripe. You can learn more about credits in Stripe's knowledge base). 



2. How To Connect Stripe As A Rewards Partner


What You Need:

Any Referral Factory plan.
Access to your Stripe account with Administrator privileges.
A draft or live referral campaign in Referral Factory.



β†’ Navigate to the Settings tab from the left-hand side of your Referral Factory dashboard. 

β†’ Select Rewards Partners.

β†’ Underneath the Stripe logo, click Connect


Screenshot showing how in Referral Factory connect Stripe to your referral program software.


β†’ A pop-up will appear asking you to Connect Referral Factory. Click Connect.

❗️ Please note that your Stripe integration should be authorized by the main account holder or a user with administrator privileges. 


Screenshot showing how in Referral Factory connect Stripe to your referral program software.

β†’ Success!

Screenshot showing  in Referral Factory successful connected Stripe to your referral program software.


❗️Please note that you can only connect one rewards partner at a time. You may be able to issue additional rewards via Zapier. Please consult the following help guide:

πŸ“– Rewarding with Referral Factory and Zapier πŸ“–



3. How To Add A Stripe Reward in Referral Factory


3.1. How To Add a Standard Stripe Reward


πŸ’‘ Standard rewards issue a once-off reward that can be a fixed value or commission for a target number of invited or converted referrals. This is the most simple reward structure and is recommended for simple customer referral programs. πŸ“’ Learn more about best practices in referral rewards.


β†’ To add a standard Stripe reward, go to the Rewards tab from the left-hand side of your Referral Factory dashboard.

β†’ Click Add New Reward.


Screenshot showing how in Referral Factory create reward for your referral program software.


β†’ Give your reward a name. This is used for internal management purposes and won’t be shown to your users.

β†’ Select who you want to reward: the Person Referring or the Person Invited

β†’ Use the drop-down select field to connect your campaign

πŸ“Œ Please note: Rewards are linked to campaigns. If you have multiple campaigns and want to issue rewards in each of them, you will need to create multiple rewards. 

β†’ Click Next.


Screenshot showing how in Referral Factory create reward for your referral program software.


β†’ In the Choose Reward step, select Stripe.

β†’ Click Next.


Screenshot showing how in Referral Factory create reward via Stripe for your referral program software.


β†’ In the Define Rules step, click Standard.

β†’ Select whether you want your standard reward to be issued as a fixed value or as a commission
πŸ‘‰ To add a fixed value reward:
β†’ Set the target number of referrals invited or referrals converted that trigger a reward.

πŸ’‘ Want to reward when the referral is invited AND when that referral converts? You'll need to set up multiple rewards within the same campaign. 

β†’ Select whether you want to issue the reward as a Credit or a Coupon in Stripe. You can learn more about coupons and credits in Stripe's knowledge base.
πŸ‘‰ To issue the reward as a Credit in Stripe, select your reward currency and enter the reward value.
πŸ‘‰ To issue the reward as a Coupon in Stripe, use the dropdown menu to select the coupon you have already created in Stripe. To learn more about how to create coupons in Stripe, consult their knowledge base. Then, select whether to apply the coupon to the customer's account in Stripe or only a subscription. If you choose to issue the coupon to a subscription, you will be able to select it from an additional dropdown. 
β†’ Set whether you would like to limit the number of rewards that can be issued to any single user. 

πŸ“Œ The limit is the number of rewards to be issued, not the value of the rewards. 

β†’ Click Next


πŸ‘‰ To add a commission-based reward:

β†’ Select whether a user should be rewarded for invited or converted referrals.

❗️ For commission-based rewards, you can only issue a Stripe Credit as coupons have pre-defined values. 

β†’ Optionally, set the reward currency
β†’ Enter the commission value as a percentage
β†’ Optionally, enter a maximum value for the reward. This will cap your reward value even if the percentage of the total deal or spend is a higher amount. 
β†’ Set whether you would like to limit the number of rewards that can be issued to any single user. 

πŸ“Œ The limit is the number of rewards to be issued, not the value of the rewards. 

β†’ Click Next.  


β†’ In the final step, you have the option to enable auto-issue. This means you will not have to authorize these rewards to be issued to users, they will be issued automatically. This method is NOT recommended, as we advise our customers to check all rewards before issuing them. You can also toggle this setting on or off from the Rewards tab. 

β†’ Click Activate.


3.2. How To Add a Milestone Stripe Reward


πŸ“Œ Milestone rewards allow you to change the value of a reward based on a goal or target number of referrals at various milestones.  One common use case of a milestone reward structure is enabling a tiered structure, offering larger incentives as participants rack up more referrals. Click here to learn more.


β†’ To add a milestone Stripe reward, go to the Rewards tab from the left-hand side of your Referral Factory dashboard.

β†’ Click Add New Reward.


Screenshot showing How To Add a Milestone Stripe Reward for your referral program software.


β†’ Give your reward a name.

β†’ Select who you want to reward: the Person Referring or the Person Invited

β†’ Use the drop-down select field to connect your campaign

πŸ“Œ Please note: Rewards are linked to campaigns. If you have multiple campaigns and want to issue rewards in each of them, you will need to create multiple rewards. 

β†’ Click Next.


Screenshot showing How To Add a Milestone Stripe Reward for your referral program software.


β†’ In the Choose Reward step, select Stripe.

β†’ Click Next.


Screenshot showing how in Referral Factory create reward via Stripe for your referral program software.


β†’ In the Define Rules step, click Milestone.

β†’ Select whether your milestone rewards should be triggered when a referral is invited (i.e. when someone submits their information on a referral link landing page) or when a referral is converted (i.e., once the referral is qualified). 

πŸ’‘ Want to reward when the referral is invited AND when that referral converts? You will need to add multiple rewards.

β†’ Next, define the rules for your first milestone.

β†’ Select the target number of invited or converted referrals that will trigger the first milestone.
β†’ Then, select whether you want to issue this milestone as a credit or a coupon. You can learn more about coupons and credits in Stripe's knowledge base.

πŸ‘‰ To issue a credit, select the currency of your credit and add the value of the credit in that same currency. 

πŸ‘‰ To issue a coupon, use the dropdown to select from the coupons you have already created in Stripe. To learn more about how to create coupons in Stripe, consult their knowledge base

β†’ Then, select whether to apply the coupon to a subscription or to a customer

β†’ If you choose to issue a coupon, the field for the reward value will be automatically disabled. 


β†’ Once you have defined the rules for Milestone 1, select + add milestone to start on Milestone 2. 
β†’ Repeat the previous steps for each additional milestone.
β†’ Once you have added all your milestones, click Next.

Screenshot showing How To Add a Milestone Stripe Reward for your referral program software.

β†’ In the final step, you have the option to enable auto-issue. This means you will not have to authorize these rewards to be issued to users, they will be issued automatically. This method is NOT recommended, as we advise our customers to check all rewards before issuing them. You can also toggle this setting on or off from the Rewards tab. 

β†’ Click Activate.


3.3. How To Add a Recurring Stripe Reward


πŸ“Œ Recurring rewards are issued at regular intervals that you set. These can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, or at a custom interval. Click here to learn more. Recurring rewards work especially well for SaaS referral programs that operate on a subscription-model revenue.  


β†’ To add a recurring Stripe reward, go to the Rewards tab from the left-hand side of your Referral Factory dashboard.

β†’ Click Add New Reward.


Screenshot showing How To Add a Milestone Stripe Reward for your referral program software.


β†’ Give your reward a name.

β†’ Select who you want to reward: the Person Referring or the Person Invited

β†’ Use the drop-down select field to connect your campaign

πŸ“Œ Please note: Rewards are linked to campaigns. If you have multiple campaigns and want to issue rewards in each of them, you will need to create multiple rewards. 

β†’ Click Next.


Screenshot showing How To Add a Milestone Stripe Reward for your referral program software.


β†’ In the Choose Reward step, select Stripe.

β†’ Click Next.


Screenshot showing how in Referral Factory create reward via Stripe for your referral program software.


β†’ In the Define Rules step, click Recurring.

β†’ Select whether you want your recurring reward to be issued as a fixed value or as a commission
πŸ‘‰ To add a fixed value reward:

β†’ Set the target number of referrals invited or referrals converted that trigger a reward.

πŸ’‘ Want to reward when the referral is invited AND when that referral converts? You'll need to set up multiple rewards within the same campaign. 

❗️ For recurring rewards, you can only issue a Stripe Credit as coupons can only be issued to a customer or subscription once. 


β†’ Select your reward currency and enter the reward value.
β†’ Set the reward period, this is the interval at which the recurring reward should be issued. You can set the interval to be weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, or at a custom interval of your choice. 
β†’ If you would like to limit the number of intervals that recur, use the dropdown menu to place a cap on the recurring reward. 
β†’ Finally, select how unqualified referrals should be treated. 
β†’ Click Next

πŸ‘‰ To add a commission-based reward:


β†’ Select whether a user should be rewarded for invited or converted referrals.

❗️ For commission-based rewards, you can only issue a Stripe Credit as coupons have pre-defined values. 

β†’ Optionally, set the reward currency
β†’ Enter the commission value as a percentage
β†’ Optionally, enter a maximum value for the reward. This will cap your reward value even if the percentage of the total deal or spend is a higher amount. 
β†’ Set the reward period, this is interval at which the recurring reward should be issued. You can set the interval to be weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, or at a custom interval of your choice. 
β†’ If you would like to limit the number of intervals that recur, use the dropdown menu to place a cap on the recurring reward. 
β†’ Finally, select how unqualified referrals should be treated. 
β†’ Click Next

β†’ In the final step, you have the option to enable auto-issue. This means you will not have to authorize these rewards to be issued to users, they will be issued automatically. This method is NOT recommended, as we advise our customers to check all rewards before issuing them. You can also toggle this setting on or off from the Rewards tab. 

β†’ Click Activate.




Want to learn more about tracking, editing, and issuing rewards? Consult our full guide on rewarding with Referral Factory