Rewards with Referral Factory and Zapier

With Referral Factory and Zapier 🎁 you can automatically issue rewards via hundreds of rewards and loyalty apps!


Looking for referral software that takes care of your referral rewards automatically?

Get your referral program up and running, and reward your participants in no time with Referral Factory. 

If you already have a Referral Factory account, then keep reading to learn how to use Zapier to issue rewards πŸ‘‡

In this guide πŸ‘‡


1. What You Can Do With Referral Factory Rewards and Zapier

2. How To Add A Zapier Reward in Referral Factory

3. How To Set Up Your Zap To Issue Rewards in Zapier

4. How To Issue Zapier Rewards


πŸ’‘ Would you prefer to learn more about Referral Factory rewards in general? You'll find a full breakdown here: πŸ“– Rewarding with Referral Factory: A Full Guide  πŸ“–

1. What You Can Do With Referral Factory Rewards and Zapier

Referral Factory's flexible rewards module means you can automate rewarding your referral program participants based on rules you set. And since Referral Factory can trigger rewards as a zap, you can issue your rewards automatically through any app or software that has an action zap. Here are just a few examples of what you can do with rewards using Referral Factory and Zapier: 

πŸ‘‰ Send a gift card with BHN Rewards

πŸ‘‰ Send a gift card with Tango  

πŸ‘‰ Send custom swag with SwagUp

πŸ‘‰ Send a handwritten card with Handwrytten

Read this blog article to learn more about best practices creative ways to reward your referrers: 

πŸ“’ Top Referral Program Incentives (Backed by Data from Real Referral Programs) 

2. How To Add A Zapier Reward in Referral Factory


β†’ In the left-hand navigation bar of your Referral Factory dashboard, click the Rewards tab.
β†’ Click Add New Reward.

β†’ Name the reward. This is used for internal management purposes and won’t be shown to your users.
β†’ Choose who should be rewarded: the Person Referring or the Person Invited.

πŸ’‘ If you want to reward both in the same campaign, you should create multiple rewards as part of the same campaign.

β†’ Connect your campaign.

❗️ Rewards are linked to campaigns. If you have multiple campaigns and want to issue rewards in each of them, you will need to create multiple rewards. 

β†’ Click Next
β†’ In the Choose Reward step, select Zapier. You will see a link to complete the setup on Zapier but you will FIRST need to finish setting up your reward on Referral Factory.
β†’ Click Next.  

β†’ Select whether you want to issue a Standard, Milestoneor Recurring Reward.
 πŸ‘‰ Standard rewards typically operate on an ongoing basis with no changes to the reward value as participants accumulate more and more referrals.
β†’ Select whether you want your standard reward to be issued as a fixed value or as a commission
πŸ‘‰ To add a fixed value reward:
β†’ Set the target number of referrals invited or referrals converted that trigger a reward.

πŸ’‘ Want to reward when the referral is invited AND when that referral converts? Set up multiple rewards within the same campaign. 

β†’ Optionally, set the reward currency. You can leave this blank if your reward is not monetary.
β†’ Set the reward value. You can enter "0" if your reward is not numerical or monetary.
β†’ Set whether you would like to limit the number of rewards that can be issued to any single user. 

πŸ“Œ The limit is the number of rewards to be issued, not the value of the rewards. 

β†’ Click Next
πŸ‘‰ To add a commission value reward: 
β†’ Select whether a reward should be triggered when a referral is invited or when a referral is qualified (successful or converted).

πŸ’‘ Want to reward when the referral is invited AND when that referral converts? Set up multiple rewards within the same campaign. 

β†’ Enter the commission value as a percentage
β†’ Optionally, enter a maximum value for the reward. This will cap your reward value even if the percentage of the total deal or spend is a higher amount. 
β†’ Set whether you would like to limit the number of rewards that can be issued to any single user. 

πŸ“Œ The limit is the number of rewards to be issued, not the value of the rewards. 

β†’ Click Next
πŸ‘‰ Milestone rewards allow you to change the value of a reward based on a goal or target number of referrals at various milestones.  One common use case of a milestone reward structure is enabling a tiered structure, offering larger incentives as participants rack up more referrals.
β†’ Select whether your Milestone rewards should trigger on invited or converted referrals.

πŸ’‘ Want to reward when the referral is invited AND when that referral converts? Set up multiple rewards within the same campaign. 

β†’ Set the target number of referrals that should trigger Milestone 1.
β†’ Enter the reward value for Milestone 1. If the reward is not monetary nor numerical
β†’ A name will be automatically generated for each milestone so you can easily keep track.
β†’ Click + Add Milestone and repeat the previous 3 steps to add additional tiers or milestones. 
β†’ Once you have set all the required milestones, click Next
πŸ‘‰ Recurring rewards allow you to pay out the reward at regular intervals like weekly, monthly, or yearly. One common use case for a recurring reward structure is to pay out an affiliate commission on subscription-based products like SaaS referrals
β†’ Select whether you want your recurring reward to be issued as a fixed value or as a commission
πŸ‘‰ To add a fixed value reward:
β†’ Set the target number of referrals invited or referrals converted that trigger a reward.

πŸ’‘ Want to reward when the referral is invited AND when that referral converts? Set up multiple rewards within the same campaign. 

β†’ Optionally, set the reward currency. You can leave this blank if your reward is not monetary.
β†’ Set the reward value. You can enter "0" if your reward is not numerical or monetary.
β†’ Set the reward period, this is the interval at which the recurring reward should be issued. You can set the interval to be weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, or at a custom interval of your choice. 
β†’ If you would like to limit the number of intervals that recur, use the dropdown menu to place a cap on the recurring reward. 
β†’ Finally, select how unqualified referrals should be treated. 
β†’ Click Next

πŸ‘‰ To add a commission value reward: 
β†’ Select whether a reward should be triggered when a referral is invited or when a referral is qualified (successful or converted).

πŸ’‘ Want to reward when the referral is invited AND when that referral converts? Set up multiple rewards within the same campaign. 

β†’ Enter the commission value as a percentage
β†’ Optionally, enter a maximum value for the reward. This will cap your reward value even if the percentage of the total deal or spend is a higher amount.
β†’ Set whether you would like to limit the number of rewards that can be issued to any single user. 
πŸ“Œ The limit is the number of rewards to be issued, not the value of the rewards. 
β†’ Click Next
β†’ At this stage, you have the option to enable auto-issue. By default, Referral Factory will NOT automatically issue your rewards. However, you can toggle the switch to allow rewards to be issued as soon as they become due. You can also switch auto-issue on and off from inside the Rewards tab. 
β†’ Click β€˜Activate’.

β†’  Success!

β†’ You are now ready to set up your Reward Zap in Zapier. 

3. How To Set Up Your Zap To Issue Rewards in Zapier


β†’ Log into your Zapier account and create a new Zap

β†’ 1. Click Trigger

β†’ Search for and select Referral Factory

β†’ Select Rewards Issued as the event.

β†’ Click β€˜Continue’.

β†’ Connect your Referral Factory account.

β†’ For the trigger, use the dropdown to select the reward you created in Referral Factory

β†’ Click Continue.

β†’ Test your trigger to make sure everything works as it should. 


β†’ The next step is to set up the Action using the app that you will be connecting to via Zapier. This is what will happen when the zap is triggered. Search for your desired app and follow the prompts to complete your setup. For assistance with the Action, please consult the support team of the relevant app. 

β†’ Click Continue.

β†’ Test your trigger to make sure everything works as it should. 



4. How To Issue Zapier Rewards

β†’ In the left-hand navigation bar of your Referral Factory dashboard, click the Rewards tab.
β†’ Select β€˜Rewards Due’.
β†’ A list of due rewards will appear in the table below.
β†’ Select the reward you want to issue.

β†’ Click on the issue rewards in the top right-hand corner.
β†’ The cart will show the type of reward, reward name, campaign name, number of rewards due, and the total value of the rewards. 
β†’ Click Issue Via Zapier.

❗️Clicking β€˜Authorize’ will automatically send the rewards, this may have financial implications so please issue rewards carefully. 

πŸ“Œ You cannot add different types of rewards to the same cart. If you want to issue Zapier rewards and β€˜Issue Your Own’ rewards, you must add these to separate carts.


πŸ“Œ If you would like to issue rewards automatically instead of having to manually add them to your cart each time, toggle on auto-issue.